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FEBRUARY 9, 2002

Shawn Willcott called the meeting to order at 9:17 am in unit #644.

Gene Miesse, Tom Chmiola, Buck Mann (Mann Properties), Margie (Mann Properties), Shawn Willcott, Bob Siskind and Frank Dean via phone.

Board members absent:
Anne Giannelli & Vic Saville

Reading and approval of the 11/10/01 CDS Board meeting minutes:
A motion to waive reading and approve the minutes from the 11/10/01 board meeting was made by Gene Miesse and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.

770 Building Renovation Update:
Walt Smelter, contractor for the renovation work, gave the board a review of the work to be conducted and time schedule.
1. Barring any unforeseen weather problems the work will definitely begin Monday February 18th, 2002.
2. All siding will be stripped from the rear, bay side, of the building.
3. The privacy walls will be removed. Walt believes that these structures are a principle cause of water damage to the deck support beams. Walt recommends that these walls not be replaced. If there is a requirement in the future for a privacy wall they could be made from treated wood and not attached directly to the building structure.
4. All rotten or damaged wood will be replaced.
5. All defective Windows and sliding doors will be replaced.
6. The deck support beams that are cantilevered from the building structure present a special problem depending on the extent of damage. Walt thinks he can construct a support bracket from galvanized steel and attach it to the wall of the building structure to resolve the problem.
7. Once all repairs are completed the wood will be covered with a moisture and wind resistant wrap and new siding.
8. Walt was requested to check and advise if a layer of Styrofoam insulation could be installed to improve resistance to weather. Walt advised he would evaluate that after they remove the siding and he can see what they have to work with.
9. The work will take a minimum of two weeks, longer if severe water and/or termite damage is discovered after the siding is removed and the wooden structure exposed.

Review of Financial Results:
1. Buck Mann covered the financial results as of 02/07/02.
Units # 646 &668 association fees are in arrears more than one quarter and have been turned over for collection.
2. Buck presented an engagement letter for approval from Pigg, Krahl, Stern & Co., PA. PKS is the Certified Public Accounting firm used to audit and prepare tax returns for the Casa Del Sol Condominium Association. Shawn Willcott signed the letter.

Old Business:
1. Exterior compliance issues:
a) #648 White slider w/grids – Buck reported that legal council was in process of filing the suit approved by the CDS board at the 10/20/01 meeting.
b) #664 White slider – A notification letter has been sent to the owner explaining the non-compliance. The letter also advises the owner that action will be taken by the board to correct the non-compliance at the expense of the owner if it is not resolved within 45 days.
c) #666 White entrance door – A notification letter will be sent to the owner explaining the non-compliance. The letter will also advise the owner that action will be taken by the board to correct the non-compliance at the expense of the owner if it is not resolved within 45 days.

2. 600 Building:
a) Trash removal from underneath the building.
Buck advised that the cleanout and the access door repairs were completed and all that remained was to install rat wire around the plumbing chase in four of the units.
b) Shingle damage to north side mansard, west end of building.
Buck advised that this was warranty work and would be completed by Walt while his crew was working on the 770 Building.

3. 700 Building:
a) Repair of the bayside, 2nd floor, west end fire escape was completed by installing a brace on the fire escape stairwell wall. Buck Mann advised that this repair seems to be holding the wall tight. Buck was advised to use the same “brace” repair on other fire escape stairwells. Tom Chmiola requested that when other repairs to these stairwells are made that siding be removed to see if any water damage or rotting wood is evident

b) Trash removal from underneath the building.
Buck advised that the cleanout, access door repairs and installation of rat wire around the plumbing chase would begin as soon as the four units in the 600 building were completed.

4. 770 Building:
a) Schedule for Approved Repair, bayside, to determine extent of water/termite damage:
See “770 Building Renovation Update” above.

5. Roof Replacement/Repair:
Roof replacements for 2001 are complete. Buck Mann submitted a roof repair schedule for 2002 and a repair recommendation for Units 636, 638 & 640. Tom Chmiola suggested that Buck go ahead with the work and to set the priorities for completion. Tom also suggested that Buck notify the Seaboard Roofing & Siding of our needs so that they can plan time in their schedule for the CDS work.

6. Unit #718 – staining of new street side Kitchen deck:
Tom Chmiola and Bob Siskind volunteered to stain this deck

7. Annual meeting minutes – 2001
Buck Mann researched and found that indeed the meeting minutes from the 2001 Annual Meeting had not been distributed as he thought. Buck apologized to the board and to the membership and advised that the minutes would be distributed by March 1st, 2002.

New Business:
1. Shawn Willcott announced that he has sold his unit and will no longer be able to participate as president or as a board member. Shawn recommended Bonnie Heytens as a board member replacement for himself.
A motion to accept Bonnie Heytens as Shawn Willcott’s replacement was made by Frank Dean and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.

The board thanks Shawn for his time and energy spent for the association and wishes him well in his new home.

2. 2002 Annual Meeting
The date for the annual meeting was discussed and a date other than Mothers Day weekend was requested. Buck Mann will check schedules and conference facility availability and get back to the board with recommendations.

3. A presentation of the 770 Building renovations will be planned for the Annual meeting.

4. Buck advised that the following board members terms expire in 2002; Anne Giannelli, Gene Miesse, and Shawn Willcott.

Next Board Meeting:
The next board meeting will be held in March. The time and place will be established after the renovations to the 770 building have been completed.

On a motion to adjourn by Bob Siskind, Shawn Willcott adjourned the meeting at 10:25 am.

Prepared by:
C.E. “Gene” Miesse